A Tradition Lives on - Wine Director David Gordon Featured in New York Times

Years ago, Tribeca Grill's Wine Director David Gordon and (at the time) Montrachet's Daniel Johnnes began a tradition that still lives on today and was featured in The New York Times this week. Last week, a group of New York's top sommeliers came together at Peking Duck House, with wines in hand and ready to continue the tradition. Patrick Cappiello, currently wine director at Rebelle and Pearl and Ash, formerly a Trieca Grill employee, now hosts the get togethers about once a month.
"The tradition began 25 years ago with two of Cappiello’s mentors, Daniel Johnnes and David Gordon, who worked within walking distance at the now-closed Montrachet and the TriBeCa Grill. “We used to bring customers who we’d enjoy spending a little time with,” Johnnes says. In 2001, Gordon extended a Peking Duck House lunch invite to Cappiello, then brand-new to New York and working for Gordon as a waiter. The guest list — originally “just four or five of us,” says Capiello — has grown as the ranks of the city’s sommeliers have swelled. But not much else has changed, including the four-course menu."
Read the full piece here.